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  • Taryn Dudley

She Burns


There is a whole art to the ability to scale mountains in heels.. something that I surprisingly do often and something I am surprisingly horrible at. Sure, I may have been close to toppling over, but were the shoes worth it? Obviously. Sbicca is a go to in the footwear department, their comfort level is out of this world. They paired perfectly with this amazing tunic dress from GG Boutique. Loved collaborating with these ladies, this top is so cool.. nothing spices up a little black dress more then some criss cross apple sauce details in the chest department. The Keller Whale and I had quite the adventure a top this hill, and that is why I love doing what I do. Plus I get to dress up nicely to hike mountains.. normal? I think not.

I can’t stop listening to this song. OKAY sooo I just recently joined the Spotify bandwagon.. don’t judge. But also, wtf.. why has it taken me this long. I’ve been saved by the music gods and they sent me this tune as a welcome gift. Thanks Foy Vance.

xoxo Taryn

Shoesies- Sbicca Footwear

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